The Mighty Word!

Welcome to my blog! A place where I ponder my journey of faith and the WORD of the living God, who became flesh and dwelled among us that we might live!

On a journey through "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

Daily Devotional for September 15th "What To Renounce"

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Love Me...Surrender

How can you know if you are completely surrendered to God? According to Oswald we will know by our response to the Lord's call on our life. "Where does Jesus Christ figure in when we have a concern about our natural relationships? Most of us will desert him with this excuse--"Yes, Lord, I heard you call me, but my family needs me and I have my own interest. I just can't go any further"

Insight into this perspective is found in Luke 9:57-62. Jesus is speaking with would be disciples, had they not been pulled from the ministry by competing relationships. They were drawn to Jesus, however, they were not surrendered to him. The first was put off by lack of comforts, the second man wanted to put off the ministry until his father died and the third was concerned with settling matters with his family before joining the cause.

Jesus' response to each man's excuse can be applied to us today. Some are not willing to let go of physical comforts in order to serve God. Others will not surrender today and put ministry thoughts off saying: when I'm older, after I'm married, when the kids are grown, or when I am retired. Finally, many will be anchored in their life because of obligation and responsibility to family.

To man these seem reasonable concerns which need to be handled wisely. Jesus however, said: "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God," (Luke 9:62NIV).

How can we know if we are totally surrendered to God? We won't offer an excuse to put off the call to ministry on our lives. This is hard to swallow. How many of us are willing to TRUST God with everything we hold dear and hope for?

Oswald says, "True surrender will always go beyond natural devotion. If we will only give up, God will surrender Himself to embrace all those around us and will meet their needs, which were created by our surrender."

If I am called to the mission field, the shoes I fill, the needs I meet in the lives of others, will be met by God in my absence. Wow! This reality denies me a single excuse. I can no longer claim..."I must do this for my family" or "who will take care of that?" God will provide where there is need. Therefore, the issue comes back to me. With every excuse abated, it comes down to my willingness to surrender my all for God.

The disciples were called just as we are. Though many took after the Lord in the beginning, the numbers soon dwindled to twelve. These twelve were totally surrendered to the call on their life. Though they had lessons to learn along the way, we can not ignore that they indeed surrendered what they had and followed Jesus.

The agony of our excuses will cause us to think God's call unreasonable, unfair and simply too great a cost. Yet, these thoughts are not prompted by the Spirit within the children of God. No. These are the fruit of the flesh. For when we consider the surrender of our LORD Jesus, who put off His glory to minister to our need of redemption, we should be compelled by thankfulness to surrender our all. But there is more than redemption for Believers. For when we embrace Jesus Christ, we are given access to "something infinitely greater than" ourselves. We step beyond the curtain into the Most Holy place and behold Almighty God. For God will not ask more of us than He gave himself. Though our spirits will prompt us to follow, our flesh will condemn us to stay. We must overcome our flesh so that "in our surrender,we must give ourselves to God in the same way He gave himself to us--totally, unconditionally, and without reservation.

Oh Lord, help us! Give us courage to surrender our all to you. Provide us visions to inspire our service and strength to endure the call. May we truly give our utmost for your highest will, purpose and glory.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Heavenly Vision

When David was young, Samuel anointed him to be King. However years would pass before David wore the crown. The vision David had of sitting on the thrown was vulnerable to his faith. For had David lost hope or faith in the promise of God, he could have walked away or rejected the plan of God.

Oswald states, "If we lose "the heavenly vision" God has give us, we alone are responsible--not God. We lose the vision because of our own lack of spiritual growth. If we do not apply our beliefs about God to the issues of everyday life, the vision God has given us will never be fulfilled."

David in the wilderness tending sheep had much time to ponder the hand of God: the power and the might of the Almighty. This certainly played into his faith which slayed the lion and the bear. Likewise, it was these successes in the wilderness that boosted his faith in the power of God's hand, when he charged after Goliath the giant Philistine. The vision of God was clear in his mind and he served the vision with passion and devotion.

Years later, David would remain obedient to the vision God had given him, though King Saul--filled with jealous rage--sought to destroy him. How many times did David choose to hold onto the vision when all seemed lost under the terror of Saul's hatred? The Lord's servant chose at least once per day to exercise faith in God. For day by day David had to make choices to remain in God's favor and grace: to stay upon the path that would lead to the throne. Unlike Saul, who lost hold of the Lord's vision for his life, David kept his heart and his plans before God and his steps were blessed.

How long must we wait for the vision God has given to us? Only heaven knows. However, when we consider the faithfulness of God and the good He surely has in store for us, we find the strength to hold on one more day.

Yet, holding on is not enough for the vision to come into fruition. We hold responsibility in bringing about the vision. Daily efforts are necessary. Whether they be limited to prayer covering alone, or a series of tasks, our commitment is of great importance. And while, "we cannot bring the vision to fulfillment through our own efforts," we must live moment by moment serving the call, so the vision may be fulfilled. For some this may require a to do list. For others it may require waiting for the Lord to move.

Just as David had to face the threats of: the lion, bear, his brothers, Goliath, Saul and later his own son, we too will face forces which desire to destroy us. These storms are allowed in order that our faith be strengthened: that we become resolved in our service to the vision. For when we fight in the power of God, we will succeed according to God's perfect will. Like David we will find the blessings and favor of our Lord. Oswald points us to the words in John 15:8 "if you allow God to plant you, you will 'bear much fruit.'"

Holding onto the vision of God for our life is not for the weak or fearful. We must be strong and courageous, ready to fight, obedient and steadfast. The vision God has for you is glorious and worthy of our sacrifice! If you feel you are lacking in these areas, PRAY for God to build them in your life! Do not allow the enemy to turn your head or cloud your vision with doubt and fear. Pray the devil away and see how the Lord will grant you might to succeed.

Borrowing the lyrics from the music group, Mercy Me:
Hold fast, Help is on the way, Hold fast, He's come to save the day, What I've learned in my life, One thing stronger than my strife, Is His grasp, So hold fast."

Hold fast to the vision! God does not tarry! In due time you will bring great glory to our King!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Behold A New Creation

Being an example of God's message is the challenge for every heaven bound child. For through we live in and among those of the world we are purposed to be a messenger of the gospel. We are to speak it, sing it, live it unashamed. Believers do this through the power and teaching of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus told his disciples: "The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life," (John 6:63). The Lord was proclaiming the Holy Spirit would be at work through the Word of God. Through the Spirit's work, eternal life would be produced in the spirit of those called to Christ. Therefore those who accepted the teachings of Jesus were those who believed in the power of the Spirit to produce eternal life in them.

Believing in the transforming power of the Spirit is essential to being a messenger of the gospel. For only through belief will the process of sanctification occur in our lives, to produce a testimony. Our life--the way we choose to live moment by moment--becomes the message we will share with others.

Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of Jerusalem because they preached a message they did not live. They claimed to be children of God and yet their actions proved them to be otherwise. Since they were absolutely convinced their "preconceived notions" were truth, they closed their minds and rejected the teachings of Jesus. Though generations had passed, the Israelites still covered their ears--as they did at Sinai--to the voice of God. Therefore, Jesus proclaimed them lovers of lies.

"If God were you Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own: but he sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies," (John 8:42-44).

There were many who turned from following Jesus because of his teachings. They were unable to believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to produce in them the good work of the LORD. They could not believe the truth because they favored the life attached to the devil and his lies. They were not interested in teachings that spoke of submission, surrender, and sacrifice. Their hearts were hard and filled with pride, therefore, resistant to conviction and repentance.

The Lord knows the hearts that are hard and those which are tender. Those inclined to choose to believe and receive the Truth of Christ, God calls into relationship. Once a relationship is established the journey of transformation begins. Oswald points out; "Before God's message can liberate other people, His liberation must first be real in you." So we are indeed called to be messengers of transformation, renewal and restoration. Unless believers "allow God to have complete liberty" in their lives, they will have little or no message to share.

Claiming to believe in the power of God is a weak message. Proclaiming the power of Christ, which has transformed your life, is compelling. Let us be mighty believers in the Truth so our message will have an impact on those inclined to believe as well. For just as Jesus was sent to be a witness to the glory of God in the flesh...we too are called to be living testimonies.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rest in Redemption

Oswald's message is like a balm to the worn out legalist who feels they must strive and strive to be worthy of grace. He states; "When God gives you a clear determination of His will for you, all your striving to maintain that relationship by some particular method is completely unnecessary."

Ponder this reality. Are your hands open, palms down with fingers spread or are they clenched in tight fists holding on for dear life to Jesus? Maintaining a relationship with the Lord is not about performance or hanging on. It is about choices.

Our efforts to pray, read God's word, serve at church, turn the other cheek and so forth, can subtly turn into our confidence in Christ. In other words, we can begin to believe that these are the things that must be done to remain in fellowship with the Lord. I must pray these prayers in this way. I must read this much of God's word each day, etc. The problem with this way of thinking is that it suggests your method(s) of reaching out to God are necessary to remain in fellowship with God. If we are not careful this way of thinking can turn into a stronghold of legalism.

The Bible says, "If the son has set you free, you are free indeed." Freedom is not found in obligation. Jesus doesn't want us to worship him in some type of formula. He wants us to be free to express our love for Him in all kinds of ways that are glorifying to Him: showing kindness to a stranger, forgiving an offense, teaching your children to seek the Lord, praying, or expressing thankfulness.

When we consider that love is an expression of choice, we realize then our choices are how we convey love. The very fact that God gave man the ability to choose his own way, reveals his great love for us. We express our love or lack of love for God, by how we choose to live. Jesus said, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching,"(John 14:23NIV). Therefore, when we choose to obey God's word we are expressing our love for Him. When we make the choice to disobey or rebel against God's word, we are expressing a lack of love for Him.

When I was young, we had a long list of daily chores that we were expected to accomplish each day. White glove inspection could happen at any time. I remember the effort I put forth on a regular basis, hoping to live up to expectations that I might keep in good standing with my mom and step-father. My diligence to keep my room in order and the house picked up, was my feeble attempt to have a peaceful relationship with my parents. For when I failed to measure up to their standards, I was not only punished but cast aside until deemed worthy again. As a result, I learned my performance determined the level of intimacy I would have with others. However, performance became more about peace and value than expressing love.

Granting myself permission to just "be" with the Lord and not meet a list of requirements does not come easy. I struggle when I find a day has ended and I did not do ____ for the Lord. However, I am getting better at resting in my redemption. Remembering the Lord desires to be in relationship with me more than anything else, helps. When I choose to seek God during my day, I am expressing love for Him. Choices I make beyond spending time with the Lord will determine how much I love him. The point is, I am learning that just because I didn't do ____ does not mean I have lost my intimacy with the Lord. In fact, moments when I am still in His presence may be a greater expression of love than action.

Oswald encourages the followers of Christ to walk naturally: "All that is required is to live a natural life of absolute dependence on Jesus Christ. Never try to live your life with God in any other way than His way. And His way means absolute devotion to him. Showing no concern for the uncertainties that lie ahead is the secret of walking with Jesus."

Trusting your relationship with God is secure in Christ, will relax the believers walk. The result will be a myriad of choices that express your love and devotion to Jesus, as well authentic rest for a world weary soul.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Seperation Anxiety

The love God has for us is comparable to nothing else. Man can only imagine the extent of the Lord's love, for we are truly incapable of grasping the magnitude of something so pure and selfless. Still, what little we can comprehend has the power to transform us from back biting broken vessels to edifying servants.

Oswald's devotional centers on the Apostle Paul's proclamation of security in Christ; "nothing can come between the love of God and a saint." Paul explains the believer's situation this way;

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord," (Romans 8:38-39NIV).

This promise is ours to hold and cherish. No matter how much we marvel at the wonder of such a blessing, we can know, that we know the truth...even though we can't fully understand it. We are safe in the love of Christ: eternally saved and sealed.

This concept is difficult to grasp for the multitude, however for those who have been separated from the love of a parent: whether by death, abandonment or neglect, it can feel nearly impossible. Hearts that have been torn by unloving parental hands, struggle to comprehend unconditional love from anyone, let alone God. These broken spirits suffer greatly in relationships, because they have bought into the lies of the enemy about their worth as a person.

Attempts to wrap my head around the unconditional love of God, have been agonizing for me over the years. Like millions of others, I was cast aside by parents who did not know the love and forgiveness of God. Therefore, my parents were insecure and fearful of rejection and abandonment. Unfortunately, this caused them to withhold love and security from each other and their children. I and my three sisters as a result now struggle with similar fears and insecurities.

The devil's cycle of destruction tragically continues through the generations, until Jesus is allowed to bring His love into the family unit. Only after the love and forgiveness of Christ is truly realized and embraced, can transformation of old patterns of thought and strongholds be broken.

While my heart and mind have been programmed to believe I am unlovable and unworthy of love and affection, the Lord has been tenderly reprogramming my system. I no longer believe these lies of the enemy. Yet, on occasion old patterns of thought pop into my mind and I must diffuse them promptly. What took...far too long to mention in the past to overcome, is reduced to almost no time at all. Today the pain of rejection or being treated unkindly does not automatically send me into an angry defense as it has most my life. My wounds have been healed. Praise the LORD! However, it did not come naturally or with ease. The enemy fought hard to keep me from accepting God's love.

Still, there are those who Satan uses to pick at old scars. Like the "friend" who seems more interested in competing with you than being your friend. They do this perhaps through children, appearance, material possessions, vacations, jobs, and so forth. However, their attempts to one up or put down only emphasize their own doubt of their worth. Or perhaps its someone who claims to love you and then like Judas undermines your ministry, critiques your appearance or work and resists at all costs encouraging you. They too are bound by poisonous thought patterns. The devil would love for us to experience these individuals and go away broken or seething mad.

However, when we know our value is not tethered to the opinion of others we can live freely outside the pit of jealousy,insecurity and anger. But those who have been freed, must remember their own days in the mire and feverishly pray for the deliverance of those still wallowing in doubt.

The Lord has healed my heart and while it still stings at times when others act unloving, my thoughts now are inclined to consider what their wounds and issues are which prompt them to lash out at others. Healing has drastically changed my perspective of who I am. Time I used to spend trying to validate my feelings or worth is now spent growing in God's grace.

Accepting the love and forgiveness of Jesus has enabled me to love and forgive others. For we simply cannot give what we do not possess.

Learning to accept the love of God is a process, but it can be done. The Apostle Paul could have climbed into a pit of despair, when the LORD revealed his persecution of God's children. However, Paul chose the grace and mercy of God over pride. Paul not only demonstrates his own acceptance of God's love and forgiveness, he boasts about the joy that comes from embracing it.

"If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him , graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" (Romans 8:31-35NIV).

This great joy is only possible when we are living out of the pit of self loathing, or justification. When we are seeking to prove our value to others, everything will be measured or weighed moment by moment. People will never be able to make you feel valued in your soul. God purposely designed us with a God shaped hole that He alone can fill. Jesus desires to fill it with His love.

When we allow Jesus to make us whole, we will find a joy as incomprehensible as God's unconditional love. Then like Paul, unable to contain our joy, we will boast about the never ending love of the Father. And nothing...absolutely nothing anyone says, thinks or does will drag you back into the pit.

You will be free! Free to love and be loved, in the name of Jesus.