The Mighty Word!

Welcome to my blog! A place where I ponder my journey of faith and the WORD of the living God, who became flesh and dwelled among us that we might live!

On a journey through "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

Daily Devotional for September 15th "What To Renounce"

Monday, June 14, 2010

Get Ready, Get Set, Go!

Oswald Chambers encourages us to “Move!” in today’s devotional. I laughed to myself when I read the title, “Get Moving!” Having spent so much time lately writing, my poor body is feeling the toll of sitting for long hours on end. Writing for eight to ten hours a day can surely put a kink in your neck…and back… and your shoulders. I actually have tired fingers and forearms. Plain and simple my body is crying out “MOVE!” Stretch, get up…do something physical…anything physical!

The concept of action applies to more than our physical body, we must also exercise our spiritual body. Chambers states; “God will not make me think like Jesus—I have to do it myself.” In other words, I can pray and pray and pray for the Lord to help me achieve some goal, but if I never lift a finger to succeed I am going to fail. Sanctification is not for the lazy. Transformation takes hard work and dedication. Therefore, we must realize unless we diligently labor on our minds and fleshy desires, we will be spiritually weak and out of shape. I will not reach my goal of being conformed into the image of Christ if I am spiritually undisciplined.

Over the week-end I was in a group of ladies who were talking about the struggle to stay fit. Many shared their personal challenge with hope of someday getting a handle on their weight—and I’m not talking love handles! Interestingly, this conversation was happening around a table of appetizers and desserts. The conversation continued around the circle much in the same tune until one woman in the group spoke up like a clash of symbols and said, “It’s called self control!”

Her words felt like ice-water in the face and instantly stopped the conversation. Nobody said a word in response and no heads nodded in agreement as before. Instead, one woman put down her fork, a few sipped their drinks and others took the opportunity to suddenly relieve the men watching the kids swimming. The silence was so loud it hurt. While I didn’t like hearing her words any more than the rest, I absolutely knew she spoke truth. After a few long seconds I looked her in the eyes and said, “You are exactly right!” and emptied my hand of the M&M’s I had been carelessly making a meal of.

Self control is a fruit of the spirit and one I personally find missing from my diet. Feeling a failure in this area in my life, I have often said, “I have no self-control”. This of course is not true. I am able to exercise great self-control in many other areas of my walk. This realization hit me as I was battling a craving this afternoon. Yet, today I gained a new understanding about my self-control in this area; more than anything I was weak in my beliefs about who I am in Christ. Romans 8:6 states; “The mind of a sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace…” Therefore, I must take action and embrace the truth in God’s word and dismiss the lies of the enemy who would have me believe I am helpless and forever defeated in this area. Oswald Chambers reminds us we are to take “every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

I am guilty of allowing negative thoughts and self doubt to control some of my actions. Thoughts like, “you’ll never reach your goal” prompt poor behavior because they are allowed to hang around until I give in…again. The reality is, I make a choice to listen to the lie and take action... only I am moving in the wrong direction. According to the apostle Paul, I must first be strong in my mind so I can stand against the lie and then, having stood my ground, push forward in victory, (1 Corinthians). Onward Christian soldier!

Chambers challenges children of God to “get moving” when it comes to abiding in Christ. This is not something that Jesus will do for us. We must actively pursue a relationship with Him in order to remain in Him. In the same manner, we fool ourselves if we believe we can grow in understanding or memorize more scriptures by merely praying, and spending no time (focused time) in God’s Word. Therefore, we need to purpose to act spiritually in our lives on a daily basis. Now is the time to act…not later.

Naturally, implementing a new habit in the faith takes determination and great effort in the beginning. Yet, as Chambers points out, in time, efforts put forth will move from drudgery to a second nature and satisfying joy. Therefore, let us be encouraged and determined to…

Get meek! Get motivated! Get moving!