The Mighty Word!

Welcome to my blog! A place where I ponder my journey of faith and the WORD of the living God, who became flesh and dwelled among us that we might live!

On a journey through "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

Daily Devotional for September 15th "What To Renounce"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hills of Splendor

The hills which surround my beloved home town are alive and green this time of year. Though much of their rolling tops are now covered by a peppering of Orange County homes, I can still see the hint of emerald arches behind stucco frames. However, the well rounded, perfectly formed grassy roll, nestled just south of the community’s water tank is gone: graded by developers it now resembles a tiered Aztec temple.

The storybook shape had become a beacon of home and was a landmark I was especially fond of. I never realized how much I valued that perfect little hilltop, until it was gone: graded by developers it is now part of a housing development. Fortunately, there are still untilled crests on the east end of town. Their modest peaks and ridges carpeted with freshly sprung grass and clover creating a cozy corner, of which the residents boast to be: “The Land of Gracious Living.” These plush peaks of spring, stir my memory of childhood days--lost in wonder and play--at their base.

I was fearless then. Bugs I used to hunt and keep as pets, now inspire spontaneous screams, spastic maneuvers, couch dancing, and childlike whimpering. Likewise, I no longer lie in the grass watching the clouds, walk barefoot in the dirt or explore fields, groves or tree belts. Basically, this nature loving, tree climbing, sour grass chomping girl, somewhere between prom and parenthood, turned into a climate and pest controlled environment loving lady. In the spirit of a modern nature lover…Crikey! What happened?

I ponder every now and then what changed my affection for the great outdoors. The adventurous spirit which travelled through underground sewer tunnels, abandoned buildings and untamed fields now favors the safety of paved trails, museums and manicured gardens. Nonetheless, while many things contribute to my current approach in beholding nature, I believe knowledge of what lies within nature has changed my behavior the most.

Knowledge certainly has an interesting effect on people’s behavior. The toddler doesn’t fear heights until he falls. A young girl chases the bee until she learns of its stinger. Teens race down the highway until they get a ticket. These are simple examples of how information can effect ones perspective or change a person’s behavior.

As a child, I was naive to the dangers in nature and thereby gave little thought to what lay nested in the canopy of limbs, in the soil, under the leaves, behind the bark and on top of the grass. However, today, my knowledge of harmful creatures and dangerous locations, directs my outdoor activity. Simply stated, the threat of biting bugs, snakes and various furry creatures in the wild, encourage indoor recreation. Frankly, I am of such a different mindset today than of my youth, my closest friends find it difficult to believe I ever climbed a tree; let alone collected bugs or explored underground sewers.

The story of the apostle Paul holds one of the most dramatic examples of how knowledge can change a person’s way of life. Having once held deep seeded desires to destroy followers of Jesus, Paul required a head-on collision with the reality of Christ, before a transformation in behavior could take place. While Paul had a vast amount of knowledge of Old Testament scriptures and teachings, he was blind to the truth about Jesus. Consequently, Paul refused to believe--at first--that Jesus was Israel’s hope and Messiah.

Yet, one encounter with the risen Lord and Paul’s spiritual eyes were opened. In God’s timing, the glory of the Lord was revealed to this religious giant. Thus, the man who sought to destroy the followers of Christ--through the gift of enlightenment--became their servant…even unto death. Knowledge of the deity of Christ radically transformed Paul’s heart, mind and behavior.

Oswald Chambers reveals the truth that insight into the things of God is not automatic. They are revealed to the followers of Christ over time. “Our Lord doesn’t hide these things from us, but we are not prepared to receive them until we are in the right condition in our spiritual life.

Jesus said, “I have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now,” (John 16:12).

When the Lord, reveals himself to us, we gain a new perspective on life, death and eternity. Knowledge of the Truth compels us to change our behavior. Bit by bit, understanding is granted as we develop a heart and mind for God. The wild ways of our past and naivety to impurities, dangers and problems are made clear. The result over time is a transformed life and new way of living.

My love of the outdoors has not disappeared, it has been cultivated. Knowledge has given me guidelines on how to enjoy God’s creation without being vulnerable to the dangers in it. Likewise, the Holy Spirit has blessed me with insight to the meaning of life, through the Word of God. Thereby, I can experience the fullness of life, good and bad, without the fear of judgment or threat of eternal death.

Just as it was with the apostle Paul, we too must allow the knowledge of Christ to completely transform our behavior. When we do, the Holy Spirit will reveal more and more to us of the nature and plan of God…for ourselves and humanity.

From time to time we may remember our days of naivety, when we ran wild in the sun believing we were invincible…good…and worthy. Yet, I pray as we ponder our journey of faith, the grace of God will grant us greater knowledge of our need for Jesus, our sinfulness and our inability to gain heaven on our own.

The green hills of home remind me of my adventurous past. Yet, they also speak of the numerous springs of renewal and growth in my life: they declare the faithfulness of God and the power of knowledge to transform. Like my special hill, I too have been altered through the years. Only, I have changed for the better because of Christ.

“I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2NIV).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Quaking with Fear

The past few days in Oswald Chambers devotionals, have “shaken” the foundation of my thoughts on areas of ministry. Praise the Lord there is less rubble at my feet today than after divine shakes in the past. A timely assessment of the Spirit’s work within encourages me. Though under continual construction, a hearty shake now and then reveals that which is built by the Supreme Carpenter, and that which was built with my own hands. A necessary reminder that while I learn more of the Master’s craft day by day, I am still under- skilled. Kicking the dust off my feet, I give thanks to the Lord for yet, another humbling back to the drawing board moment.

Chamber’s concept is that when our faith is shaken by the realities of life “We will be scattered, not into service but into the emptiness of our lives where we will see ruin and barrenness, to know what internal death to God’s blessings means.”

In other words, dust and debris in our lives remind us of what is temporal and what is eternal. When we labor outside the will of God to fashion a life or treasure trove for ourselves, the Lord--in His great goodness and kindness--sends forth trouble: mighty winds, turbulent waters and destructive quakes intended to open the spiritual eyes of his children. No effort is spared to enlighten us of the “emptiness” in everything outside of God.

When Christ died on the cross of Calvary, "The earth shook and the rock split..."(Matthew 27:51NIV). This was not a random act of nature, but part of the divine plan of God. As Chamber's points out; Jesus' death was the driving purpose of His life. All of time is marked by His sacrificial death. Almighty God shook the earth, perhaps so every man--scattered to and fro--would know a mighty shift had taken place between God and humanity. Though fear and anger ordered their steps, today, Christians need not scatter in the midst of adversity or trial. For the God who claims us as His own, is unshakable. His grasp on us is secure. Therefore, let us rest in the hands of God as the world sways back and forth.

Father grant us wisdom to remain in your will and abide in your work of the Spirit. Bless us with faith which can withstand the severest quake. Reveal to us that which is rubble and lead us to what is holy. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.