The Mighty Word!

Welcome to my blog! A place where I ponder my journey of faith and the WORD of the living God, who became flesh and dwelled among us that we might live!

On a journey through "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

Daily Devotional for September 15th "What To Renounce"

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sweet Grace

When I was a child, candy held a very special place in my life. The minute I got a bit of money, I would find myself at the candy store pacing before the bins, excitedly anticipating the various sweet sensations. Now in Laters, Laffy Taffey, Abba Zabba’s, Juju Bees, Starbursts and the kind were first picks. Chocolate bars were more expensive and not as satisfying to my young palate. Until, the wonder of a magnificent story changed my perspective, and Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory by,Roald Dahl David Seltzer, made a chocolate lover out of me.

The thrill of a golden ticket neatly tucked inside a fancy wrapper, a candy coated treasure hunt…what more could a child hope for? Well, finding the golden ticket and meeting the candy Maker of course! Charlie was the luckiest kid on earth and I was happy for him. Something about his great fortune caused this young heart to believe good things could happen to anyone…especially if they were good.

In the movie, Gene Wilder’s expressive eyes, fantastic voice and cheeky smile fascinated me. Mr. Wonka was indeed a hero and I, like Charlie and his grandpa, revered his presence. However, the others in the group were not so impressed with Mr. Wonka. On the contrary, they were rude, selfish, arrogant, conceited, greedy and exceedingly disrespectful to the candy creator. I was appalled by their behavior, and felt a great satisfaction as each spoiled brat received just punishment for their crimes.

At the end of the tour, when Charlie is denied the prize because he disobeyed the rules…just like the others, I felt a deep conviction. True Charlie had gone outside the boundaries and broke one of the rules, but his heart was not wicked like his young sojourners. He made a bad choice was all. How can one bad choice discredit him? My young heart wanted to scream (and probably did) “Not fair!” Mr. Wonka’s words were true, yet harsh. Was there no grace or forgiveness?

Grandpa said a few choice words on Charlie’s behalf which of course were too colorful to mention. His reverence for the candy maker, crumbled like a sugar sculpture under pressure. The wrath of Wonka stood. Yet, Charlie, realizing his humble state…after all he had disobeyed… approached Mr. Wonka with reverence and humility. The boy offered no excuses, made no insults and accepted the penalty of his wrong doing. Additionally, he willingly gave up his tour candy souvenir as a peace offering. In so doing, everything changed!

Charlie indeed found the golden ticket…the ticket of grace tucked within the heart of the Master Confectioner. For while obedience is considered better than sacrifice to the Lord, a humble heart before God, will grant the prize of eternal life when we confess our sins and seek forgiveness. Charlie’s respect for Mr. Wonka was great and his efforts to restore a right relationship with him gained Charlie the Chocolate Factory. Just as our reverence and love for the Lord, gains us heaven…which is of course far sweeter than any candy!

Oswald Chambers warns us to approach the throne of grace with confidence, humility and reverence for our Maker. Oh, beloved of God…cast off the ways of spoiled rotten children and bow before a great and mighty Creator. Come, “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Psalm 34:8 NIV).