The Mighty Word!

Welcome to my blog! A place where I ponder my journey of faith and the WORD of the living God, who became flesh and dwelled among us that we might live!

On a journey through "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

Daily Devotional for September 15th "What To Renounce"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Am A Secret Admirer

Oswald Chambers today highlights the opportunity we have with God to know hidden things; in that when we are intimate with God he will tell us His secrets. Chambers is not suggesting our Maker like man has buried sins, but rather veiled truths which He delights in sharing with us. These secrets which are pertinent to His creation and often our personal make-up He desires to share. Still, God does not casually cast these wonders out for all to behold. No. The Lord saves them for His closest friends and gives them as gifts along their journey: an insight here, a new perspective there, or perhaps a peek at tomorrow.

When I think of intimacy with God I think of Daniel. Nothing he faced could separate Daniel form his time with the Lord. In exile he held to his times of intimacy in prayer. Under threat of persecution and death, Daniel suffered no loss of communion with God. This servant’s heart valued intimacy with God more than life. Because of this I believe the Maker of heaven and earth revealed secrets of the future to Daniel. Great and mighty truths to behold were entrusted to him because of his faithfulness to God.

“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21).

While the daily demands on our time and energy are great, we must not allow the pressures of life to become an excuse for lack of fellowship with God. It takes focus and determination to guard your time with Jesus. Still, I have found no day is without opportunity if I truly desire to sit with the Lord. Consequently, the days which begin in communion are often my most productive.

“But seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well,” (Matthew 6:33NIV).

In my early walk as a believer I waddled like a toddler, my steps were not sure on the path of faith. In those days I learned through trial and error because I had not developed an intimacy with my Savior. His ways were not clear to me and my ear struggled to discern His voice. Through the years God continued to direct my walk through the desert. His faithfulness never failed to provide daily manna, or a guide through the Holy Spirit.

However, it wasn’t until the posture of my heart changed from grumbling at the bottom of the hill to passionately climbing after Him, that our relationship changed. A hunger to know God drove me to read and study His Word like my life depended on it. Through this process of immersion I shed old baggage and found myself seeking higher spiritual ground. What I found at the top of my spiritual Sinai was a God who was waiting and eager to share His heart with me and a few secrets. Today, while I still stumble at times, I am more conscious of God’s presence in all of my life. While I steal away whenever I can--to have a spiritual “face to face” on the mountain top--I experience His Spirit more and more as a constant companion.

So what have I gained? The difference in my intimacy with God has not only changed my spirit and perspective, it has also granted me treasured secrets. While the tug on my heart to climb the summit daily competes continuously with my pursuit of intimacy with my family and friends, I encourage myself to remember Daniel and God’s call to seek Him first. In so doing I remain a faithful servant who will be blessed by God and my other relationships are the richer for it.

Therefore, I encourage you to also lock your door, ignore the phone and curl up somewhere quiet anticipating a memorable visit and perhaps a shared secret or two with Almighty God! For His treasures are gifts for the asking and his happiness is shared with joy.

You, Oh Lord, are my very great reward! (Genesis 15:1)

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