The Mighty Word!

Welcome to my blog! A place where I ponder my journey of faith and the WORD of the living God, who became flesh and dwelled among us that we might live!

On a journey through "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

Daily Devotional for September 15th "What To Renounce"

Monday, January 25, 2010

Screening God's Call

I turn the key in the lock and proceed to open the door with a hand full of plastic grocery bags. The task is frustrating because the groceries are heavy and restrict my fine motor skills. I don't know why I never set the bags down to open the door. I rebuke myself time and time again for being so silly. I guess I like the challenge. Several attempts later I finally feel the knob release and I quickly push the door open with my foot.

Upon entry I stumble in the dark over sorted laundry, but manage to use the overstuffed grocery bags to regain my balance. While I weave around our "so happy to see you" dog, who is leaping for joy about me, the phone begins to ring. Setting the groceries down, I massage blood back into my pinched fingers and casually cross the kitchen to the phone. I note the caller ID screen and turn to go about my business. My son trails behind me with a whining and grunting combo complaint for having to help carry in the groceries. He knows his song will not relieve him of this chore, however, it has become part of our ritual: like screening our calls. The phone continues to ring as we begin emptying the bags to put away the food. Finally, the machine kicks on and we hear the caller leave a message. I tend to dinner thankful for caller ID because I am simply too busy to stop and take a call.

Caller ID is one of pop-culture's great inventions. No more listening to the ramblings of solicitors who never pause to breath during their non-stop marathon sales pitch. No more having to decline invitations to donate my time, money or blood. Gone are the days of being caught off guard with a request to serve at school, church, or in your community. How wonderful to dodge making a political party pledge fill in the blank. Imagine Independence from those surprise time consuming calls. Take your life back by installing a phone with this handy feature and enjoy your new found freedom! Yep, caller ID is one of our greatest inventions. Or is it?

Technology is a wonderful gift from the Lord. There is much good that has come from the advances of communication in our world. Yet, like all indulgences, there is need for balance and responsibility. Telephones are incredible devices which afford immediate access to others. Yet, they also hinder our availability to those in our presence. College professors can give you a number of reasons why cell phones are a nuisance: the fact they disrupt class, distract students, and become tools used to cheat are the three top issues. Professors have found the only way to hold their students attention is to forbid phones in class...period.

Who among us hasn't been in the middle of a conversation with someone only to be put off while they check their caller ID or answer their phone. Somehow we've become obsessed with controlling who we talk to and when. In the process, we've also become rude and self focused. Putting someone on hold whether in person or on line is simply poor manners and yet, as a society it has become the norm.

Oswald Chambers reminds us in his devotional how important it is for us to remain open to the Lord's plans. In other words, we are to consider the Lord has a purpose and plan for our day and therefore we should keep our line open and plans flexible. When we pack our day with activity or responsibility we operate without wiggle room and greatly hinder our availability to the Lord's invitations to join His work. Wiggle room is essential for the believer who desires to be used by God. When we have no wiggle room we are tempted to us our caller ID to hide.

God over the past few weeks has been nudging me regarding my caller ID. More and more I feel compelled to return to my pre-ID ways of just answering the phone. As I pondered the growing conviction it dawned on me I wasn't just screening calls, I was screening God. Let me explain. When I determine who I will talk to and when I will be available, I am in a sense closing the door on God's will. I am not open for service and opportunities to serve are jeopardized.

Last week I received a call while in the middle of devotions. I literally had just prayed, "God what do you have for me today? How can I be of service to you Lord." As if waiting for my prayer, the Lord was quick to respond. The Psalmist's very words put into action:

"Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, God," (Psalm 139).

It was a woman from church inviting me to attend a funeral for a young girl who attended our bible study. While I knew the woman calling, I did not know the teenager who was killed in a car accident. Still, I immediately believed the call to be an invitation from the Lord. Not twenty minutes later, a friend phoned and shared how she also received a call. While we were both unsure of why we were invited, we felt certain we needed to attend the memorial service that evening. We made arrangements and attended the service together.

The service was a beautiful tribute to the young life lost, yet, by the end of the evening I had a suspicion we weren't there for the grieving family. Sitting a few pews behind the woman who had phoned us, I felt maybe we were there for her. When we didn't connect with her after the service, I shared my thoughts with my friend who accompanied me. We both pondered the thought on the way home.

The woman came to mind several times over the next few days prompting me to phone her and express my thankfulness for her call. In so doing I reached her answering machine...perhaps she was screening my call! I left a message conveying the blessing of the service and how I was sorry for missing her afterwards. Shortly thereafter, my phone rang. This time, prompted by the Spirit I answered though the caller ID read "private number."

I am so glad I picked up the phone and took her call. A wonderful visit was had between us. Encouragement was shared as well as prayer. However, enlightenment regarding the memorial did not come until the end of our conversation. This sweet woman expressed how encouraged she was by my response to her call. The idea that I had received her message, accepted the invitation to attend the memorial service and followed up with a phone call of thankfulness, had richly blessed her. She shared her discouragement over the lack of responses she gets from her numerous calls to others. I was stunned by her words. "You are on my list of wonderful people," she said with sincere affection. Hanging up the phone I cried over the love and tenderness of God. What a beautiful thing he did for her. What a wonderful blessing He had given me!

Had I not prayed for God's work to take precedence in my day, had I not believed God was willing to accept my offer of service, had I not taken the call, I would have screened out God's blessings.

In the hustle and bustle of busy days I'm still tempted to screen my calls. Yet, I am newly determined to heed the Spirits prompting when the phone rings. After all, what phone can identify "heaven is calling?"

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