The Mighty Word!

Welcome to my blog! A place where I ponder my journey of faith and the WORD of the living God, who became flesh and dwelled among us that we might live!

On a journey through "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

Daily Devotional for September 15th "What To Renounce"

Friday, March 5, 2010

"Heaven" Calling!

The call of God on one’s life is able to prod individuals to perform the most amazing or Goliath tasks with determination. It produces a holy zeal and energy necessary to see a job through. For in our own strength we grow weary or bored. Yet, when our heart is in our service for the kingdom, we find divine courage, ability and perseverance to complete the work necessary. God calls and His faithfulness provides for the servant’s need. Did He not send angels to comfort Jesus in Gethsemane?

Examples of God’s chosen servants, who tenaciously executed a myriad of tasks, in order to fulfill God’s will are found in: Noah, Aaron, Joshua, Nehemiah and Jeremiah.

These men were called to produce amazing things for the kingdom of God. Noah was called to build an Ark, where life would be preserved. Aaron was given the responsibility of establishing the Tabernacle and priesthood of the Jewish nation. Joshua was called to take Moses’ place in leading the chosen people into the Promised Land. Nehemiah was called to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and Jeremiah was called to bring a message of wrath to a rebellious nation. These were normal men called to extraordinary service.

The temptation is great to avoid God’s call on our life by claiming that we are weak and flawed. For it can be difficult to remember the legends in the hall of faith were just like us. Moses put forth several protests to the ministry God called him to. However, man’s insecurities are an insult to the Mighty One who beckons us to service.

“The Lord said to him, ‘Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say,” (Exodus 4:11-12NIV).

Moses makes a final plea NOT to be used by God;

“But Moses said, ‘O Lord, please send someone else to do it.’

Then the Lord’s anger burned against Moses,” (Exodus 4:13-14NIV).

Since God is the same yesterday, today and forever, we need to realize, when we resist the Creator’s call on our life, we also prompt the Lord’s anger. Scriptures tell us that obedience is better than sacrifice. For if Adam and Eve had been obedient in the Garden of Eden, sacrifice would not have been necessary. Therefore, see that willful obedience pleases and glorifies God…sacrifice is required.

Furthermore, we must bend our knee to God’s plan and respond to His purpose in our life, if we are to claim Him as our Lord. It seems Oswald is driving the same message home these past few days. Loving Christ is more than devotion or seeking and serving: for while these are certainly important to the Christian walk, the act of surrendering is paramount.

Surrendering our pride and confessing our sin. Surrendering our life to the Lord’s will and surrendering our will to the needs of others. Resisting in any of these areas is rebellion and it will hinder our relationship with the Lord. We are called to be Christ’s…it’s that simple.

Though the concept is simple to understand, it is not simple to practice. Nothing in my nature wants to deny myself and forgive others. Only Christ within me gives my self-centered flesh a desire and the ability to forget myself and join the Lord in service. Sometimes I may have to bribe my spirit to surrender. Yet, it becomes easier to submit with time and practice. Just as muscles grow in strength through conditioning, so too the spirit becomes flexible to the prodding of the Holy Spirit.

Still, we must accept the call IS not meant to be easy or a blessing. The call is a means to God’s will. Blessings may come through our obedience to the call however we have no promise of this in scripture. History shows that many are called to suffer and die on the account of Christ. I confess I don’t like thinking about this part of the plan…but I must. So must every follower of Christ.

Imagine if Jesus had come to the cross and decided to rebel against dying for our sins. Where would we be if He had told the Father that He felt He had served long enough and wanted to come home? Our hope of eternal life with the Father would not exist. There would be no forgiveness for our sins outside of the laws sacrifice…which was woefully insufficient. Also, unlike the ancient Jew who sacrificed for a time…we would have no hope of a coming Messiah? We would have the bitter reality of being forsaken by Jesus. Certainly, Jesus had to suffer the cross…his love for the father would not allow him to do otherwise.

Therefore, since Christ did not fail to surrender His everything for our sake, we in turn give all we can to the work of the kingdom. Our call is divinely planned; only we can fulfill our purpose. The Lord delegates according to His provision. For one who is called to fish will be granted the skills to fish, the one purposed to sing will be able to do so. Believers called to serve through suffering will be given strength and courage to succeed. The Lord is the key to success.

Oswald reminds us; “We each have to find a niche in life, and spiritually we find it when we receive a ministry from the Lord. To do this we must have close fellowship with Jesus and must know Him as more than our personal Savior. And we must be willing to experience the full impact of Acts 9:16—“I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.”

I don’t want to suffer. Jesus knows this. So He calls me daily into service, building up my strength, so that my faith and trust AND dependence on Him grows strong. Then, when the painful trial(s) come--and they will come--I am prepared to endure. Trace back your footsteps and you will likely see a series of circumstances which added to your ability or strength to fulfill your call in life. Yes. The Lord is faith and determined. For He knows the riches of heaven which are tied to your obedience and the glory you will bring Him, if only you surrender your all.

Let you life be a sweet song of obedience to the Lord; “I surrender all. I surrender all. All to thee my precious Savior…I surrender all.”

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