The Mighty Word!

Welcome to my blog! A place where I ponder my journey of faith and the WORD of the living God, who became flesh and dwelled among us that we might live!

On a journey through "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

Daily Devotional for September 15th "What To Renounce"

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Steps of Faith

Taking the “next step” is paramount to moving upward in our spiritual journey. This seems elementary in concept but we can fool ourselves in believing we are climbing the mountain when in fact we are simply going in circles at its base: knowledge of the truth does not make us mountain climbers.

In the desert the Israelites had a marvelous picture of Mt. Sinai before them. Camped out around its base, the nation had a visual reminder of what was required to reach intimacy with God. Moses was called out from the people, into the presence of God, but he was to meet his Creator on the mountain top.

Why on the mountaintop? Could it be because God’s ways are higher than man’s, therefore, Moses needed to ascend to higher ground for the Father’s instruction? Upon the mountain Moses would have a better view of the nation he was leading and grasp a higher perspective: He could look out over their camp as God spoke in his ear, and see the baaing flock needing to be shepherded, rather than a bunch of groaning individuals. Away from their list of complaints and squabbles, Moses was free of distraction and could focus entirely on the LORD’s call to service. Had not his father-in-law, Jethro, witnessed the wear on Moses’ ministry due to their constant pestering and petitions?

Oswald states; When you have no vision from God, no enthusiasm left in your life, and no one watching and encouraging you, it requires the grace of Almighty God to take the next step in your devotion to Him…it takes much more of the grace of God, and a much greater awareness of drawing upon Him, to take that next step, than it does to preach the gospel.”

Moses needed a fresh encounter with God to sustain his passion for God’s plan. So the LORD summoned him to the climb Sinai and Moses did so…step by step.
There was at this time no Tabernacle or “mercy seat” for the Lord to descend upon in the presence of man. He had not yet instructed the Israelites to fashion an earthly throne. Therefore, the Lord purposes a seat crafted by His own hand, Mt. Sinai. In so doing, the mountain itself became a throne for His holy presence and was the Most Holy Place on the earth. This of course is why the people were instructed not to touch any part of it.

“Put limits for the people around the mountain and tell them, ‘Be careful that you do not go up the mountain or touch the foot of it. Whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death. He shall surely be stoned or shot with arrows; not a hand is to be laid on him,” Exodus 19:12-13NIV).

The Tabernacle to come would be modeled after the throne of heaven. Likewise the throne of Sinai’s peak would repeat this eternal pattern. For just as God’s presence in the Tabernacle’s Most Holy Place was veiled by a curtain--lest someone should look upon His form and die--the presence of God (a consuming fire), was veiled from the people by a cloud. Yes, the Lord is a God of order and design.

Because Moses was willing to climb Sinai, he was granted the privilege of the High Priest who was allowed to pass beyond the curtain into the LORD’s presence. On his ascent Moses stepped away from the crowd to join God on the mountain altar. There Moses would give himself over to the service of God establishing a pattern for all to follow. A pattern of steps that no doubt kept his feet secure on the path and in God’s favor.

Step one: Seek God’s will.

When we focus on the fact the LORD has a plan for our day as part of His big picture plan for our life, we can find encouragement for the climb. Addressing the climb one step at a time, the mountain may seem less of a challenge. Seeking His input moment by moment is like putting one foot in front of the other. Soon we find ourselves reaching higher altitudes of worship and service and before long, days surrendered to the LORD become weeks, months and years.

Step two: Read and obey God’s word.

The Father is for us, not against us. Therefore, we must trust His commands are for our good. Additionally his guidance will never lead us into destruction. Taking care to follow the path marked out for us on our ascent is critical so we do not stumble or fall.

Step three: Pray for God’s wisdom and discernment

God is light. He therefore desires His children to walk in the light and not darkness. When we seek the LORD, spend time in His word and follow His commands, we can be certain that our prayers are heard by God. When we pray for His wisdom and discernment in order to continue down the center of His will, the LORD will not deny us. We will be granted insight and understanding.

Step four: Trust God is in control

When we sincerely seek God we will find Him. When we spend a good amount of time reading His word we will learn His ways and His principles. Obeying His commands will keep us in the center of His will. Then our prayers for the LORD’s wisdom and discernment will be granted and our life will produce fruit. When we see the fruit in our life our faith will grow. Stepping out in faith will become easier because our experience of God confirms He is trustworthy. Trusting God in good and bad circumstances will produce peace in our lives. This peace will be seen by others and they will be prompted to inquire where our peace comes from.

Step five: Share the gospel with others that they may also seek the Lord.

When we stick to these steps, we will soon reach the spiritual summit of Mt. Sinai where we may sit in sweet communion with God. High above the worries of everyday life, God will give us a new perspective and strengthen us for our ministry to those down the mountain.

Moses climbed the mountain many times. In Exodus 19 alone, the scriptures reference three separate accounts of Moses conversing with God upon the summit. Here we find an example for both ancient and modern flocks to follow: for intimacy with our Savior will require determined steps, all of which should bring us to an altar of sacrifice. Prior to Christ the Israelites sacrificed animals for such access to the throne of grace. This side of the cross believers sacrifice self will and desire.
When God descended to the top of Mt. Sinai to talk to His chosen people, they were not willing to approach the mountain on fire. Yet Moses told the people;

“Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.’

The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness were God was,” (Exodus 20:18-21NIV).

Moses took steps towards God and experienced an intimacy with his Creator unmatched by another. A climb of a lifetime that began with...

A step towards a burning bush…a step back to Egypt…a step into Pharaoh’s presence…a step into the desert…a step into the Red Sea…a step up the mountain…a step into eternity!

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