The Mighty Word!

Welcome to my blog! A place where I ponder my journey of faith and the WORD of the living God, who became flesh and dwelled among us that we might live!

On a journey through "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

Daily Devotional for September 15th "What To Renounce"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Solid Rock Building Codes

The recent tragedies in foreign countries, has prompted me to question my foundation. Visions of the upheaval of large structures, ripped up paths, as well broken bridges demands attention and a healthy fear for the power of nature. For the Believer, it is an awe inspiring demonstration of God’s power. While it is not for us to argue whether earthquakes and storms are the act of God, we should, however, recognize the origin of the power. All the power which lies in the elements and earth originate in Almighty God.

The contrast of devastating natural catastrophes and the love of God would seem apparent, however, the two are not as opposite as we may believe. For the power which rocks the foundations under our feet, is the same power which shake’s our hearts and knocks us off our feet. And though God has granted us the ability to measure the powers of the earth, nothing can measure the force of His love.


The wake of God’s love in a believer’s life is evident. Faulty foundations are exposed, paths that lead to nowhere are ripped up and man made bridges over troubled waters collapse. Unexpectedly, everything around us trembles and our hearts, minds and mouths spontaneously cry out, “Oh, God! Save me!” We do it without thought, like a knee jerk reaction: the hammer hits a particular point in the body and a limb reacts. The same applies to our spiritual body…the hammer hits and we fall to our knees crying out to God. Why do we do this? We were designed to do so: instinctively we know, God is the only one can truly save us.

So if we are designed to cry out to God as a natural response to life…why do so many live fighting the programmed response? My professor would say this is a good question! (And then proceed in telling you a bunch of scientific notions and hypothesis in an attempt to answer it). However, --and I mean no disrespect—information gathered outside the Designer’s resources is junk and creates conflict in the circuits.

Just like an electrical storm can cause a major power failure, downloading academia’s idolized knowledge acts like a virus in our system. The result is always frustrating and sometimes fatal: for some drives must then endure a Mighty overhaul to operate properly and other drives completely crash…or burn. These trials, troubles and tragedies could have been avoided if programs installed kept to scripture teachings. Faulty programming keeps man inoperable in the work of God. Therefore, it is imperative followers of Christ pray for discernment and wisdom to detect virus teachings and programming.

The secure foundation we have in Jesus Christ provides a base for us to build our lives upon. Believers are not to fear the rumblings of the world, for our feet are secure in the Lord. However, though we build upon the rock, what we build will come from our programming. The two cannot be separated.

Devotion to Jesus will certainly prompt the true follower to work at building a life upon the rock that is glorifying to God. Yet, devotion is not enough to build structures that will pass code. Faulty programming will cause some believer’s to construct crooked walls, low ceilings and rooms without windows which prohibit the son to shine through. The result of their efforts may mirror the old nursery rhyme: “there was a crooked man, who lived in a crooked house…” Crooked lives, though built on the rock do not bring glory to God.

Poor construction is what Jesus was pointing out to Peter as he asked, “Do you love me?” (John 21:17NIV). Peter absolutely loved the Lord. However he had some faulty programming that he would have to deal with, before Peter’s human temple construction was brought up to code. With every question of love, Jesus--like a wrecking ball--struck at the weaknesses in Peter’s work, until the foundation it was built upon was fully exposed. Stripping away all that Peter had built with his own hands, Christ makes it clear from that moment on, Peter would construct things differently. He would not be allowed to cut corners or erect idols for his own glory.Peter would also have to suffer every detail in the plans…regardless of the cost. And yes, the cost to build heavenly lives is EXPENSIVE!

When Jesus asks his children, “Do you love me?” our faulty programming, like Peter’s will be exposed. Let us therefore, pause to consider the life we have built: is it up to Christ’s code? Chances are, some walls need to come down and some windows need to be added. For many of us, we will need to get back to the foundation and begin building again.

For when we take a good hard look at the foundation of our Christian lives, we will discover just how much we love the uncut stone of Jesus. A foundation not built by man…but the very hand of God. For just as we cannot build a secure foundation in a world that quakes, we cannot create our own salvation. Both are the work of Jesus Christ alone.

Oswald shares a wonderful insight regarding Peter’s revelation in this scriptural moment; “Peter was beginning to discover within himself just how much he really did love the Lord. He discovered that his eyes were so fixed on Jesus Christ that he saw no one else in heaven above or on the earth below. But he did not know it until the probing, hurting questions of the Lord were asked. “

Are you building to code? Will your human temple pass the Lord’s inspection? May you ponder your foundation and structure today, and seek the Master Carpenter’s input on where the two of you need to reprogram, restore or replace.

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