The Mighty Word!

Welcome to my blog! A place where I ponder my journey of faith and the WORD of the living God, who became flesh and dwelled among us that we might live!

On a journey through "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

Daily Devotional for September 15th "What To Renounce"

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sounding the Alarm

The question of whether or not we love the Lord is answered only through our actions. For if we believe we love Jesus as Peter did, yet we confess His lordship over our lives in speech only, we too may hear the cock crow? Oswald states; “True love never simply declares itself.”

This is not earth shattering insight. For we know this…we experience this in our daily lives. Our emotional nerves are so in tune with this truth that it often governs our days, weeks and years: for we are very aware when someone treats us unkindly or unjustly. We sound our emotional alarm signaling programmed responses to "kick in". The responses are developed into a defense system over time which is designed to ward off injury: both physical and emotional pain. This system immediately engages when we feel threatened or the pierce of another’s blade. So sensory sensitive, we can move into defense mode without knowing it, reaching DEF CON levels of security before sun down. The problem with this type of security system is it is geared for defense and protection, not service and support. It's full of programming flaws because it was programmed outside the wisdom and love of God. Thus, it is doomed to fail.

For example; some systems respond to unloving behavior by pulling down their shades and retreating within to nurse their wounds. They hide their injuries and internally bleed…sometimes to death, rather than heed the word of the Lord; "Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry and do not give the devil a foothold," (Ephesians 4:26NIV).

Others retaliate. Responding to the offense of unkind behavior, they declare war, call in the Calvary and alert the media of the battle. This programmed response tragically produces casualties.

Yes. We are very in tune to superficial love…when we are on the receiving end. However, our sensory awareness of true love on the export level could be enhanced and managed better. Because we are so profit minded we focus more attention on the import of love; closely monitoring receivables and woefully neglect our investments or expenses of love.

Oswald warns of the pain of emotional love. “Peter loved Jesus in the way any natural man loves a good person.” Yet, when the tip of the enemy’s tongue pricked Peter’s side, his emotional love failed him. There was no real defense system truly installed in Peter…yet! His insecurities sounded his internal alarm and he responded automatically to the attack of the enemy.

However, while Peter suffered terribly the consequences of emotional love, his pain was not wasted. For Jesus knew the depth of this man’s soul and patiently guided Peter through the process of reprogramming. The Peter on the victorious side of the cross, loved Christ very differently, than the man weeping in the shadows of the night. His affection was demonstrated by his hands and his feet, rather than a prideful and arrogant tongue.

Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love Me?” (John 21:17)

We know through the scriptures that Peter did indeed love the Lord at each point of his walk. However, it is evident that the brotherly love Peter first gave in return was less than what Jesus wanted from him. We are to learn from his example. Christians need to love Jesus with more than affection and adoration. Believers must love Jesus by exporting love to others. Sharing the gospel, their testimony, their prayers, their comfort and their peace, with those they “claim” to love. Not out of duty, but because a deep love for Christ compels them to do so.

Oswald states, “When the Lord asks us this question, it is impossible to think and respond properly, because when the Lord speaks directly to us, the pain is too intense. It causes such a tremendous hurt that any part of our life which may be out of line with His will can feel the pain. “

Brothers and sisters, we need not despair if we too have heard the cock crow. For the Lord is merciful and forgiving. We must simply confess our sin and pray for the Lord to renew our minds—reprogram our defense system—so we may act according to the principles of Christ and not self destruct when the enemy fires in our direction.

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